Dear Business partner
I trust you are well and healthy. I am sitting here with a cold and feeling very sorry for myself. Today I want to ask you, when last did you have fun at work? Or when last did you do a teambuilding event for your team?
In June there are a few opportunities . . .
14 JUNE IS WORLD BLOOD DONOR DAY – you can contact the blood bank and find out if they can do a drive at your workplace or make up a team of employees and go to the nearest blood bank next time they are in your town
21 JUNE IS WOLRD MUSIC DAY – maybe someone in your team is musical or are part of a band. Let employees bring their instrument to the workplace and share some of their talents with you. Or make a playlist of their favourite songs and make sure you play it at the next office braai.
24 JUNE IS TAKE YOUR DOG TO WORK DAY – okay, obviously this is my favourite one, but probably not practical. An idea here is to go to your local animal welfare and ask what they need assistance with and get involved. Or make a whiteboard with pictures of everyone pets.
7 JULY IS WORLD CHOCOLATE DAY – (in my world, every day is world chocolate day), but you can get someone to demonstrate how to make chocolate or you can bring chocolates to share with less privileged or buy some hot chocolate for the workplace and let everyone have a cup with a nice marshmallow in it.
15 JULY IS GIVE SOMETHING AWAY DAY – here your options are never-ending. This can be something that has been standing in the office forever. Let your employees nominate something that must go. Or everyone can bring something to give away. You can decide on a theme, or everything goes.
18 JULY IS NELSON MANDELA DAY – find out if someone has planned something for Mandela Day and see how you can get involved.
#Mandela Day
I would love for you to share your teambuilding on my page or tag me in your teambuilding and use the above hastags.
PS. Remember to check out the New Best Boss Membership Club on my website.
Arina Fyfer
082 745 6779