ER, HR or IR?

by | Apr 24, 2023 | Human Resources

Not sure what you need to get the best from your people? 

Let’s break it down:

Employment relations “’ER’’: ER relates to the overall management of employees to ensure their productivity, engagement, professional development, and wellbeing.

Human Resources ‘’HR’’: HR is simply a term for the people working within an organisation.  The ‘’resources’’ part of the term relates to the fact that these employees should be an asset to the business, in terms of their skills etc.

Industrial Relations “IR”: Industrial relations then refers to the relationship between employers and employees and the organisation that provides support to both parties.

How does “Industrial Relations” impact the employer?

HR or Management can represent the employer in negotiations with the Trade Unions.

·         The trade union rep represents the voices of the employees, it allows the employer to hear only one clear and concise argument on behalf of the workers instead of having to field the same comments/concerns from hundreds of employees who are all saying the same thing.

·         Union reps save the employer time and thus money in this way.

·         It also saves the employer man-hours and communication struggles by creating a platform for two-way communication between a large group of employees and a usually smaller group of employers.

HR NOTE: An experienced HR manager has generally overseen all elements of a HR department and knows how each specialist unit works.

Absolutely everybody should know the who, what, when, where, and why of labour relations and how industrial relations management works.

Knowledge is power.

For more information and advice, join our AF-Consulting Membership, receive professional advice, and let us execute the negotiation process on your behalf.

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