Shake It Off!

Shake It Off!

Last week, Arina went for an afternoon jog after having one hectic day at work. You know, those days when nothing goes as planned and whatever you do to try and stay positive, also seems to fail. While jogging, she spotted a tired golden retriever that was limping his...
Bullying At The Workplace

Bullying At The Workplace

This is an unfortunate reality.   Did you know that the new Code of Good Practice on the Prevention and Elimination of Harassment in the Workplace (Code), which took effect on 18 March 2022, has placed a positive duty on employers to play their part in preventing...
Generational Differences In The Workplace

Generational Differences In The Workplace

Dear Business Partner, Unless your business is a solo operation, you’re probably working with a multi-generational team. Lucky for you, there are major benefits to an age-diverse workforce. You can use the unique perspectives of your employees to appeal to different...
Let’s Talk About Annual Bonusses!

Let’s Talk About Annual Bonusses!

Dear Business Partner, From the festive celebrations to the time away from the office, there are many reasons for your employees to look forward to the end of the year. As a business owner, paying out bonusses may add to your stress levels, especially this time of the...