Hybrid Workplace?

Hybrid Workplace?

Dear Business Parter, In the recruiting space we see every day that after Covid more people prefer an option for a hybrid position. Candidates would rather not accept a position than being in a position where they do not have flexibility. In a recent article in...
Working Past Retirement Age

Working Past Retirement Age

Dear Business Partner, Today, I would like to talk to you today about employees reaching their retirement age, and share important information about what you as employer may and may not do.According to Businesstech, a recent case dealing with the dismissal of an...
Would You Like A Roadmap?

Would You Like A Roadmap?

Dear Business Partner,I ask a lot of business owners, what is the worst part of owing a business?  And the most frequent answer I get is “managing people”. Managing underperforming employees or toxic employees is probably one of the most critical tasks of...
HR Thinking IN Boxes?

HR Thinking IN Boxes?

Dear Business Partner, When was the last time you consulted with a Human Resources expert? When last did you ask your HR ‘’how well is our employees performing, and how do we improve performance”’ If it was not today, is has already been too long. Your HR is your...
Ever wondered what HR does and why you need them?

Ever wondered what HR does and why you need them?

It is important to know there is a big difference between an HR that is actively involved in your company and making healthy contributions to your company, when you compare it to an HR sitting in the basement between the archived files and you never see...

Vision? Mission? What does it all mean?

Dear Business Partner,  Your employees need something to believe in. It is impossible to lead an organisation on a path of sustained performance without a clear vision that galvanises and directs action. If you remove the medal at the finish line, the excitement will...